DEP subsequent registration


Contains 19% VAT.
Delivery time: 3 - 5 days (depending on the selected configuration, the delivery time may vary - please inquire by e-mail)
3% discount on the displayed price

You will receive a 3% discount on the displayed price when paying by Paypal or bank transfer. The discount will be deducted at checkout.

Item number: 186746 Category:


Device is registered manually by us to an assigned DEP number.

After ordering, you will receive instructions on how to reset the device.
Please then send your device to us using the corresponding form from our email.

We currently only deliver within Germany. In addition to the prices quoted, we charge a flat rate of 7.90 euros (incl. VAT) per order for delivery within Germany.
Further information on shipping can be found further down on the page under: Prices & Shipping
Information on your right of withdrawal can be found further down on the page under: Cancellation policy